Eng 103 business letter | ENG 103 | Liberty University


Business Letter Instructions

Response to request for information

As reservation clerk for Best Central Inn in St. Louis, you just received a letter from Mr. Jerald Pelletier, administrative secretary of MovieStream, 1314 N. Platt Boulevard, Des Moines, Iowa 50309 making arrangements for a meeting of shipping center managers from around the country. The group is considering holding its quarterly meeting in St. Louis in six months.  Mr. Pelletier has asked you to send some brief information on hotel rates, conference facilities (meeting rooms, etc.), and availability. Your assignment is to send him room rates for both single and double rooms and to let him know that you have four conference rooms to rent out at $150 each per day. Also, let him know that at this time, hotel rooms and conference rooms are available for the three days he mentioned.

You may design your own letterhead for Best Central Inn, 2500 Main Street, St. Louis, Missouri 63136-1324. That portion of your letter will not be graded.  

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