Documented research paper guidelines your documented research paper

Documented Research Paper Guidelines Your documented research paper should reflect the principles and techniques of composition that we have covered in this course. This includes a strong thesis sentence, related topic sentences and sub-topics, and strong, basic sentence structure. Tip: No sentence fragments, run-on sentences, improper subject/verb agreement, and improper noun/pronoun agreement. You need to vary your sentence constructions – use some simple sentences, some compound sentences, and some complex. Your expression of ideas will guide your appropriate sentence construction. Use strong verbs and avoid redundancy. In addition to demonstrating basic understanding of written composition, you need to demonstrate basic research skills and MLA formatting of your manuscript. You also need to use MLA format for all your citations – both in-text and as works cited (Use the handout on citations or one of the online tutorials I’ve suggested, if you need to check your styling. This is a link to the best tutorial I’ve seen). Basic research skills include prewriting strategies such as brainstorming, annotating (your sources), clustering, and informal outlining among other strategies. Additionally, all your sources should be correctly documented and cited. You need:  Four pages  One Works Cited page  Five sources  Three quotations (be sure to use quotes and cite them) that will support your thesis or perspective.  Three of your sources should come from scholarly or peer-reviewed journals. Please remember to use MLA formatting: (See the tutorial if you need guidance)  The Basics:  Running header  Header  Title (use the correct punctuation and be imaginative!)  Margins (1”)  Double space between lines (careful not to insert extra lines between paragraphs)  Single space between sentences


(You may want to consult a reference resource on topics. Think of a topic you would like to learn more about, scan the newspaper for current controversies (science, technology, medicine, politics, social issues, environmental issues, literature, art, nutrition, cultural activities – food, dance, decorative arts, fashion), browse magazines, books, blogs, scholarly


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