Discussion: guided reflection | nurs8100 | Walden University


Reflection of an experience, lesson learned, and/or importance of a role, demonstrates a clear understanding of process, comprehension, and expertise. To reflect requires an ability to consider lessons learned, personal connections, and next steps. As we come to the end of the course, it is important for you to consider what you learned and how to connect these lessons beyond this course. 

For this Discussion, you will reflect on what you learned throughout this course. What is the impact of what you learned? How might you approach engaging in policy advocacy moving forward? 

Clark, J. (2011). Let’s reflect: What is the point? British Journal of General Practice, 61(593), 747. https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp11X613232

To prepare:

  • Consider what you learned throughout this course and reflect on the impact. 
  • Consider how you might use what you have learned beyond this course experience. 
By Day 3 of Week 11

Post a response detailing the following: 

  • How has this course impacted your knowledge, attitude, beliefs, perceptions about nurse engagement in policy advocacy and politics?
  • What are the takeaways as you move forward as a DNP, in your role as a policy advocate? What resonates with you and how will you use it?
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