Cultural comparison paper | History homework help

The cultural comparison paper compares three civilizations of the student’s choosing. This paper must be 600 words in length. Students may use sources other than their book, and are encouraged to do so.


A student will pick any three civilizations covered in this class.  Students will compare and contrast all three civilizations in terms of the following:

1) Social and Cultural: Examine everyday activities, social order, and classes within the culture. (Example: how were women represented and treated in each culture?)

2) Political and Economic: What were their political structures like? What were their economies like? (Example: how did their political organizations differ?)

3) Diplomatic and Military: How much influence over the world did they have? How did they interact with their neighbors?  (Example: Were there major wars during their histories? Were they conquerors? Were they conquered? )

You can compare and contrast other themes within the three cultures you looked at as well; however, students must cover these themes in their essay.

The essay should be written in collegiate format (organized with an introduction, thesis, body paragraphs and conclusion.) The paper must be in proper APA format.

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