Credentialing/recredentialing 400-600 words apa format with references

At the request of the compliance manager, your department has been recommended for an internal audit. A quick review of your procedures shows deficiencies in your department’s way of collecting data. In an effort to get ready for the upcoming audit, you need to become familiar with the steps that are involved in preparing for an audit. Choose from the following 2 subjects, and then address all of requirements listed under it:


  • Explain the benefit of credentialing and recredentialing to an organization.
  • Define and provide at least 3 standards that are needed to meet the accreditation level for your organization.
  • Research and explain the purpose and importance of the managed care organization or nongovernmental agency, and explain the importance of maintaining such information.

Wellness and Health Promotion (WHP)

  • Explain the benefit of wellness and health promotion standards in an organization.
  • Define and provide the standards that are needed to meet the accreditation level for your organization.
  • Research and explain the purpose and importance of the managed care organization or nongovernmental agency, and explain the importance of maintaining such information.
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