Create an interview project based on the career/title i’d like to | PSY 3024 | Florida International University, Modesto A. Maidique Campus


The Interview Project in this course will consist of a written paper and will help you to examine your career development in two parts. It should be written in standard APA style (i.e. double-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins). Your paper should be 3 to 5 pages in length (not including cover or reference page if included), well-organized and well-written.

For the first part of this project, you will need to locate and interview a person who holds the career you plan to pursue. Remember, many professionals are extremely busy and you may need to schedule this interview several weeks ahead of time – do not wait until the last minute! You should include information about the interview in your reflection paper articulating why you have chosen a certain career path, how it is a realistic and attainable goal, and how you plan on attaining that career goal.

For the second part of this project, you should include whether your career plans have changed after taking this course (it has not changed for me), what new careers related to psychology you learned about, what types of experiences you will seek out to meet your career goals, and what areas you need further information in to pursue your goals.

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