Costing systems | Accounting homework help


Imagine that the CFO of a new start-up company has hired your consulting team to provide insights on whether to implement a job order costing or process costing system. The CFO has invited your team to attend the next executive management meeting to unpack the differences between these two costing systems so they can make an informed decision.

Create an original PowerPoint presentation that is brief, professional, easy to understand, and addresses the criteria below:

  • Define each costing system.
  • Compare/contrast the two costing methods on a minimum of four different characteristics.
  • List three questions/considerations that will be key to the executive’s decision regarding which costing system to adopt.
  • Which costing method would your consulting team recommend and why? Be specific citing a minimum of four different reasons.
  • Include a minimum of four references and an APA-style reference slide.

Make your presentation interesting and easy to understand. Microsoft PowerPoint has excellent design templates to make a professional presentation. 

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