conduct some preliminary research on the initiatives and formation

Watch this short video:  Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Trends in Healthcare 

1. Please submit a 4- to 5-page paper in APA format, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 12 Font with at least 3 references that lists all types of managed care plans/products offered by your employer and compare the features (e.g., employee cost sharing, premium contribution, covered benefit, freedom of provider choice, and so on) between these offered MCO plans. If your employer also offers a CDHP plan, include it in your discussion. 

2. Conduct some preliminary research on the initiatives and formation of one ACO the state of Virginia

a. How is this ACO organized (it can be one of the five models,; closed-panel, staff model, group model, open panel or Independent Physician Association)? 

b. How do payers pay this ACO? 

c. How are payments distributed among the providers within this ACO? 

d. What are the quality measures used to evaluate the performance of this ACO? And what are the rewards and penalties for performance quality?   

Start your research by visiting the Integrated Healthcare Association website:

Side Note: You can use your own employer, military or another employer. If possible, you can use the YMCA.

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