Community resources | Education homework help

Although the formal process of transition planning doesn’t begin until high school, teachers can assist students and families by helping them to become aware of community resources.

Visit the site at the link below and review the resources available to help you better understand all aspects of the transition planning process.

Use information learned from this site, as well as other information available in the local community to complete the Question.


You will create a Community Transition Resource Booklet, Pamphlet,  *****Powerpoint****, etc. The goal is to locate community resources in Southwest Georgia that students can access before, during and after they transition to life after high school.

Please make sure you have the name, address, phone number, website, email address, person to contact, a description of the services they provide, the age range the resource services. You should have at least five different resources to address each of these areas:

  • Employment
  • Education
  • Related Services (i.e. Community Participation in Social Activities, Speech, Physical or Occupational Therapy)
  • Adult/Daily Living Skills
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