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Please address (1) How your background has prepared you for the CUSM MBS program and (2) How the CUSM MBS program fits with your personal goals. Word limit= 250 words. At least 1 page. Double-spaced, font Times New Roman or Arial size 11 and have 1-inch margins.

Program Overview

California University of Science of Medicine. Master of Biomedical Sciences (MBS) program.

We are excited that you are considering our program as a pathway to help reach your healthcare career goals. Our curriculum focuses on strengthening academic credentials in the biomedical sciences as well as building the communication and critical-thinking skills necessary for healthcare careers. We also provide personal support and advising to help you reach the next stage in your career journey with a focus on the application process for medical school and other professional degree programs. The mission of California University of Science and Medicine, School of Medicine is to advance the art and science of medicine through innovative medical education, research, and compassionate healthcare delivery in an inclusive environment that advocates critical thinking, creativity, integrity, and professionalism. The MBS program encourages applications from students whose goals align with our mission. 

The CUSM-SOM Master in Biomedical Sciences degree is an innovative program designed for students who wish to enhance their academic qualifications and candidacy for a career in healthcare, such as an MD, DO, DDS, PhD or other professions such as nursing, pharmacy, research, education, physician assistant and biomedical technology. 

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