Clinical field experience c: mathematics mini-lesson | methods and strategies for teaching mathematics


Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

For this field experience, you will design and implement a mathematics lesson to the selected group of students from your previous field experience.

Part 1: Mini-Lesson Plan

Prior to going into your clinical field experience classroom this week, use the data received from the pre-assessment to complete the “Math Mini-Lesson Plan” template. This mini-lesson plan will be administered to the selected group of students to support instruction to meet the selected standards.

Your mini-lesson should include:

  • Math standard, learning objectives, grade level, and brief description of the unit
  • Instructional strategy
  • Description of math learning activity that is directly related to the data received from the pre-assessment
  • Formative assessment

Part 2: Mini-Lesson Plan Implementation

After completing the “Math Mini-Lesson Plan,” share it with your mentor teacher for feedback. Provided permission, teach the mini-lesson plan to the small group of selected students. During your lesson, ensure you are answering questions from your students, asking questions that support critical thinking and problem solving, and observing the understanding from each student (this might require formative assessments before, during, and after the lesson to determine understanding).

If you are not able to implement the lesson, speak with your instructor for an alternate assignment.

Part 3: Reflection

In 250-500 words, reflect and discuss the process of using pre-assessment data to develop a lesson plan and on your experiences teaching the lesson (if applicable). Consider:

  • How the data supported the planned instruction, selected instructional strategies, and differentiation strategies in identifying strengths, meeting learning needs, and promoting student growth.
  • The professional expectations to maintain privacy and ethical use of assessment data.
  • After the lesson was presented, modifications that supported the learning.
  • How this lesson supports short-term and long-term planning.
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