Case study/ position paper | Human Resource Management homework help

Your paper should be three to five pages in length and include citations and references in APA format.


“Your new boss has made it clear she wants the firm to comply with U.S. employment regulations. In addition, she wants to inform the firm’s staff that a zero-tolerance policy for harassment of any sort is in effect. Develop a three to five page position paper defining the important harassment and employment-related laws and regulations in place and outlining the points you want to include as you develop and publish your firm’s harassment policy. (Research topics might include but are not limited to: sexual harassment, wage and salary legislation, recruitment, employment laws, interviewing, affirmative action, equal employment opportunity, ADA and OSHA regulations.)


And please remember! Your firm has both American and international employees so you will want to include a discussion of policy implications for your company’s global workplace.” Therefore, you will want to write it in such a manner that all can understand the implications, although they are not all U.S. citizens.


A position paper/white paper simply state’s an organization’s position or philosophy on an issue.  Our issue is:  US employment regulations which are numerous; therefore, I provided you with a few to consider–read Chapter 2.  Your paper is only 3- 5 pages in length to include your reference page–do not go over 5 pages.


Below is a sample for those who are not sure how to get started:


White Paper/Position Paper: Crackle and Pop Healthy Foods 

American Employment Related Laws and Regulations and How They Relate to Crackle and Pop Healthy Foods

Employees of Crackle and Pop Healthy Foods Inc. from the Human Resources Department:


Crackle and Pop Healthy Foods has recently undergone an expansion of personnel, materials and facilities across international boundaries.  Crackle and PopInc. has increased its volume of products, number of employees, and scope with the merger of Sandy’s Sweet Simmering Snack Foods.  As we embark on an international expansion, it requires that we evaluate laws and regulations across countries and implement those that are required.  Therefore, management has asked that I discuss some of the United States requirements for informational and decision making purposes during the expansion to ensure laws, policies and regulations are not violated.  The goal is to inform and educate all employees so that we are in compliance with the required laws and company guidelines.   

The following area of U.S. laws will be discussed:  Crackle and Pop Sexual Harassment Policy, American Disability Act, Equal Pay Act,  Occupational Safety and Health Administration laws, Equal Employment Opportunity , etc., (choose whatever laws, policies Act, you would like to discuss–again no more than 5 pages total).  


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