Business strategy formulation | Human Resource Management homework help


This assignment is designed to familiarize you with the four business level strategies-low cost leadership, differentiation, best value, and focus before coming to class. Please read Chapter 5 in the textbook, review the lecture note, and do some preliminary research on these four business level strategies and analyze a hospitality business’ strategy. 

Specifically, please answer the following five questions: 

  1. Briefly describe the business-unit strategy of low-cost leadership;
  2. Briefly describe the business-unit strategy of differentiation;
  3. Briefly describe the business-unit strategy of best value;
  4. Briefly describe the business-unit strategy of focus; and
  5. Apply your understanding of the four business-level strategies to analyze a hospitality business that you worked at, are currently working/interning at, or are interested in working for after you graduate. What is its business strategy? What made you conclude that this hospitality business is employing this strategy?
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