Business intelligence and data mining assignment, assignment is in | Information Technology

where BSI stands
        Task details:

Answer ALL listed questions below (2 sections):

1. Section 1

Watch the provided 2x YouTube videos on “Teradata BSI Cases,” for “Business Solutions Inc.”

The provided videos present 2 interesting data warehousing cases, watch them carefully, and write a report to discuss your findings about the business problems and proposed investigative solutions.

1. BSI: Teradata Case of the Misconnecting Passengers

2. BSI: Teradata The Case of the Credit Card Breach

Your report must include (but not limited to):


-The Business Case

-Business Problems

-Proposed solution overview



-Must not exceed 750-word limit for this section-

2. Section 2

Read the full Continental Airlines case (a hugely popular data warehousing success story) attached pdf file, and answer the following questions.

1. What surprised you most about this case?

2. What is Continental’s business strategy?

3. This case study tries to show how Continental’s investment in a real-time BI is closely aligned

with its business strategy. Give examples of business processes that have changed due to their

enablement by real-time BI and discuss how they have helped its business strategy.

4. How is Continental making use of “analytics” in its operational decision-making? What more can


they do?

5. Real-time BI needs real-time as well as historical data – real-time data is needed to recognize a

business event as it happens and historical data is needed to respond to it comprehensively. For

each application described in this case study, discuss: o the need for real-time response

o the decision/activity supported

o the real-time and historical data needed and the analysis performed

o the performance metrics to measure its effectiveness

-Must not exceed 750-word limit for this section –

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