Bovar Company case study analysis assignment help, top quality case study analysis homework help, 4 pages

Bovar Company case study analysis assignment help: Bovar Company is a large manufacturing company with three divisions in the United States. The first division, B&D Manufacturing Company, is the original company and makes steel subassemblies. Bovarwas incorporated 15 years ago when the second division, Overall Manufacturing Company, was acquired. Overall makes large heat exchangers. The third division, Casper Manufacturing, was acquired by Bovar 2 years ago, and it makes custom industrial machinery. Each of the three divisions has been very profitable in recent years.

Bovar Company is structured as a functional organization. Management believed that the functional organizational structure allowed Bovarto to better control the acquisition and integration of each company into a single company by using the same control systems and by having the same basic management philosophy, common goals, and strategies.

Top management is reconsidering this functional organizational structure, and they are unsure if it is the best structure for moving forward and growing the businesses. There have been some reporting problems, accountability issues, communication difficulties, and crossfunctional coordination limitations in areas such as new product development.

You are on an audit team along with other senior auditors at Bovar Company, and you are preparing for the year-end external audit that is scheduled for February of the upcoming year. Management is concerned about the controls for accounting in each of its companies. They are also concerned about planning for the upcoming audit and the completion of the final audit document.

You and your fellow teammates are assigned to complete the following:

  • Evaluate how to organize the business for better managerial control based on accounting information, and make a recommendation to top management.
  • Assess the control risk by determining the appropriate tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions relating to the procurement and payment cycle, the capital acquisition and repayment cycle, the sales and cash receipt cycle, and the accounting for inventory.
  • Perform an audit based on your assessment of control risk, the procurement and payment cycle, the capital acquisition and repayment cycle, the sales and cash receipt cycle, and the inventory accounting cycle.
  • Develop corporate management controls for the accounting functions that can be used in each company.

Each of the following assignments will contain the information that is required to complete the requested tasks. The Income Statement and the Balance Sheet summarize the financial statements for Bovar Company, as follows:

Bovar Company

Income Statement

For the Year Ended December 31

2013 2012 2011
Net sales $141,958,581 $131,082,160 $117,994,135
Cost of goods sold 97,993,003 90,101,738 82,003,833
Gross profit 43,965,578 40,980,422 35,990,302
Operating expenses 34,949,969 31,466,407 29,591,371
Income from operations 9,015,609 9,514,015 6,398,931
Other revenues and gains 0 0 0
Other expenses and losses 1,650,691 1,852,147 1,814,104
Income before income tax 7,364,918 7,661,868 4,584,827
Income tax 600,025 985,978 358,294
Net income for the year $6,764,893 $6,675,890 $4,226,533
Earnings per share $6.76 $6.68 $4.23


Bovar Company

Balance Sheet

As of December 31

Assets 2013 2012 2011
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents $6,714,156 $6,369,431 $7,014,387
Net receivables 9,601,883 7,495,528 6,901,225
Inventory 28,031,323 22,206,259 21,975,220
Other current assets 149,807 124,527 114,558
Total current assets 44,497,169 36,195,745 36,005,390
Property, plant, and equipment 58,489,606 53,596,113 50,668,463
Total assets $102,986,775 $89,791,858 $86,673,853
Current liabilities
Accounts payable $11,277,988 $8,200,059 $6,466,412
Short or current long-term debt 12,935,495 7,868,407 8,411,017
Other current liabilities 1,712,675 1,536,835 1,463,088
Total current liabilities 25,926,158 17,605,301 16,340,517
Long-term debt 21,234,861 19,247,831 19,460,800
Total liabilities 47,161,019 37,033,132 35,801,317
Stockholders’ equity
Common stock 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Additional paid in capital 13,667,517 13,667,517 13,667,517
Retained earnings 41,158,239 38,091,209 36,205,019
Total stockholders’ equity 55,825,756 52,758,726 50,872,536
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $102,986,775 $89,791,858 $86,673,853


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