Billing scenario assignment | Applied Sciences homework help

Javier is a BCBA who works at a large agency with multiple departments that provide various

behavior-based services to individuals with intellectual disabilities including: ABA-based

treatments, parent support groups, family therapy, and respite services. Javier received an audit

from the funding source for one of the individuals on his caseload. In reviewing his

documentation and the billing information submitted; Javier noticed consistent weekly

occurrences where his company billed for ABA-based services that were not provided to the

individual. In researching the discrepancy, Javier found that the company did provide respite

services (which are not part of the family’s authorized funding) and those respite services were

billed as ABA-based treatment. Javier knows how much the family has benefited from the

support and relief the respite services have provided.

Submission instructions

1. Type your response in a Microsoft Word document. You will submit this document

in the Module 7 Billing Scenario Assignment Folder in eLearning.

Include the following information:

• Your Name

• What ethical codes should Javier consider when determining the best course

of action to take in this scenario? List all applicable ethics codes

• Provide the rationale for the chosen code(s) and if you believe a violation has


• Identify factors that may have led to the current scenario and strategies that

could have prevented the scenario from occurring.

• Given the scenario, describe an ethical course of action moving forward

(include potential risk factors and areas that may require continued


• If you were Javier’s supervisor, and he brought this to you, how would you

respond and make changes to prevent this occurring within the organization

moving forward?

Assignment Requirements

1. You may choose if you would like the paper to be single or double spaced. If double spaced,

the paper must be at least 1 page. If single spaced, the paper must be at least a half page.

**Directions are on file upload, I have added the two websites for assignment.

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