Assignment on research proposal funds seeking,rfp and foa

 Research proposal grant, Funding seeking skills, Request for proposals (RFPs) and funding opportunity announcements( FOA).

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Paper: 2–3 pages:

For this week’s Assignment, consider your Final Project (Obesity in rural ADULTS in West Viginia)   and the possibility of applying for a grant to implement your intervention or study.

Explain how you would apply the skills and knowledge gained in this course to the grant writing process. What strategies would you use when submitting an RFP and an FOA? Be specific and provide an example of how you would apply at least one skill you have learned and at least one example of knowledge gained from the course.

 I have attached 4 short adobe files on Grans and Presenting Research results, these are PART OF LEARNING RESOURCES as well, along with 2 websites given in the word doc. under RESOURCES.

My PROPOSAL topic: addressing obesity in rural ADULTS in West Virginia by implementing a 12 weeks Intervention that teaches the adults with BMI>25 enrolled in my program the following: education material about Weigh and BMI, medical implications of Overweight and Obesity, healthy nutritious diet and regular physical activity. THIS is my proposal. YOU HAVE to CONTINUE IT by applying for a GRANT to implement my Proposal 

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