Assignment 2: equity and access

Assignment 2: Equity and Access


You will review real-life situations involving institutions of higher learning that have been involved in program or institutional transformations. You should be able to identify whether the decisions made by key leaders were appropriate or not. By reviewing the cases and the actions taken, you will be able to apply and modify your own approaches to solving an institutional problem.


In this assignment, you will analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of some case studies.




Create a two-to-three page paper addressing the following:


    Using University online library resources or the Internet, locate and evaluate at least three examples of institutions that have been involved in program or institutional transformations.

    Review the selected examples and conduct a SWOT analysis of each case.

    Develop a chart to analyze your findings after the SWOT analysis of various institutions that have been involved in program or institutional transformations.


    For your SWOT analysis, use the following model:

        S: Strengths of the transformative actions taken by the leaders

        W: Weaknesses in the transformative processes or decisions

        O: Opportunities presented by the transformation

        T: Threats that might occur with the changes in place

    In your paper, include the following:

        An evaluation of the selected examples of transformation within postsecondary institutions

        An evaluation of the common themes that you derived from your analysis

        An explanation of the manner in which you could use the examples and common themes to increase equity and access in your postsecondary institution


See Grading Criteria Below


Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Submitted a detailed paper covering the assignment requirements.


Included all citations in APA format.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.




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