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• Develop a Decision Support System for your business using MS Excel to support what if analysis

  •   The attached document provides detailed instructions and data to use in the information system you are required to develop

  •   Make sure your solution uses cell absolute reference and formulas. You will be asked to resubmit if you do not use these spreadsheet tools.

  •   Make sure you include a recommendation on how to become profitable (Use the model you create to explore scenarios that would make your business more profitable, but upload the version with the original formulas and values).

  •   An example solution is provided.

  •   Upload your working MS Excel file (xls) using the proper Assignment Dropbox link.

  •   Note: Make sure you are using Relative and Absolute Cell References where and only where appropriate when you design your DSS. Only those DSSs using Absolute Cell Reference optimally will receive credit.

  •   Click here if you do not know how to use Absolute and Relative Cell References. 

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