Answer each question | Civil Engineering homework help



1. Responsible Charge: Read the Board Rules section on responsible charge; 404.1, and address the following situations (we will discuss in class). Write a brief paragraph explaining/supporting your position for each scenario citing the appropriate passages from the reading material.

  1. Should you sign plans for work outside your area of competence if the work is performed by others fully competent in that area?
  2. Should you perform work/sign plans for work in application of new principles, techniques, ideas, or technology?
  3. Should you sign plans for work in your area of competence if this work is performed by another professional not fully competent in that area?

2. Professional Ethics: Look back at your answers to this question in Lesson 1. Revisit your answer and indicate if your response to either question would be the same or if you would now change your response. Elaborate on why you either did or did not change your response using material from the class.

  1. After reading the ASCE Code of Ethics, can you identify an action you have taken that would be in violation of one of the Canons of this code. If so, identify the Canon (and sub-canon), describe the incident, and discuss what you learned from this experience and what you would do differently.
  2. After reading the ASCE Code of Ethics, identify a Canon (and sub-canon) that you believe may be too restrictive / difficult to govern / unrealistic to meet / other? You must thoroughly explain and support your position.
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