Analyzing the “school begins” | American history homework help


Question 1- Source Analysis:  Complete the following source analysis questions by analyzing the “School Begins” cartoon and more specifically the scene with the Native American sitting on the other side of the “classroom.” 

What is the historical context of that scene? In other words, what was the U.S. policy toward Native Americans in the mid to late 19th century? Did most Native Americans have the right to vote? Were they citizens? (Remember that the cartoon was created in 1899, so what happened afterwards cannot help us understand Dalrymple’s message.)

Why did Dalrymple include the image of the Native American “student” in his cartoon? How does the scene of the Native American “student” help Dalrymple convey his main message of the cartoon as a whole? Describe specifics symbols used to help support your analysis. (Hint: Dalrymple’s main message is mentioned briefly above and in greater detail in the lesson.) 

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