About china and the modern west history

Answer the following essay question, providing sufficient evidence for your arguments,

and citing sources from instructor’s lectures, and/or John King Fairbank and Merle Goldman, China: A New History (2006), as well as Patricia Buckley Ebrey, Chinese Civilization: A Sourcebook (1993) [Because the final examination question is about the course contents taught before the end of face-to-face instruction, you can cite instructor’s lectures only. If you missed too many classes or did not take notes of lectures, try to find your answers from the two textbooks. There is no need to cite sources beyond instructor’s lectures and the two textbooks].

The essay should be approximately 5 pages in length, and typed double-spaced. It should also follow an academic style in footnotes and bibliography. For the academic style, see “Week 12 Detailed Lecture Outlines” in the coursespace, or refer to [UVic] Department of History’s “History Essay Style Guide” at:


Mao Zedong’s communist revolution in China achieved continuous successes in 1937-1945 but sustained devastating failures in 1958-1976. Please discuss why and how Mao’s policies led his revolutionary movement to such different results during the two historical periods.

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