a1-m5 | Algebra homework help



The height, in feet, of an object shot upwards into the air with an initial velocity, in feet per second, of vi, after t seconds is given by the formula:

h space equals space minus 16 t squared space plus space v subscript i t 
h space equals space minus 16 t squared space plus space v subscript i t  

Use the equation above to answer questions about a model rocket is launched from the ground into the air with an initial velocity of 384 feet per second. Use the graph below to help answer the questions.

Assessment Instructions

Show and explain all steps in your responses to the following parts of the assignment. All mathematical steps must be formatted using the equation editor.

Part 1: Create the equation for the height of the rocket after t seconds.

Part 2: Find the time it takes for the rocket to reach a height of 0. Interpret both solutions.

Part 3: Find the time it takes to reach the top of its trajectory.

Part 4: Find the maximum height.

Part 5: Find the time it takes to reach a height of 925 feet. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

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