6070 wk9 | SOCW 6070 – Supervision, Leadership, and Administration in Social Work Organizations | Walden University

Discussion 1: Funding through Grants

Budgeting in human services organizations brings about many challenges. Human services agencies must be creative in managing their budget due to the increased demands on the agency and the needs of the clients and stakeholders. There are many legal, contractual, and other requirements under the concept of financial management, as such agency administrators need to be creative to obtain funding. Applying for grants in both the private and public sectors is one access to funding resources. Most grants will require that you present a proposed budget for use of the funds. Thus, grants and budgeting often go hand in hand.

For this Discussion, think about grant writing and the elements needed to write a successful grant. Then, review sample grants at https://grantspace.org/resources/sample-documents/. Identify one grant to discuss.

By Day 3

Post the following:

  • Describe the key elements to grant writing.
  • Provide a brief description of the grant proposal you selected and explain the strengths of the proposal and any areas where it could be improved.
  • Explain how you would improve on the grant proposal to convince the funder that funding this program would have a positive and measurable effect on the community.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references. 

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