3 page essay based on short stories




In your papers, please follow the next steps:

First, choose a topic to analyze, like feminism, discrimination, identity, assimilation, etc. Second, define your topic in the introduction. Look for a proper definition and add it in the introduction. Then, look for examples in the short stories to support your statement. Then, start the body of your paper by giving examples of your topic found in the stories. Remember that every time you say something about the story, you have to write the page number. Quotes can not be longer then 3 lines. Always support your statement. Remember that the stories and your topic have to be analyzed in depth. And finally, write a paragraph with the conclusions, specifying what you think about the story, the reasons they are good or bad and the way they affected you as a reader and the readers in general. All the stories in the module should be included in the paper. All stories have to be analyzed in depth.

Be aware I have a program that checks for plagiarism. If you are going to use the papers from the internet as a help, be sure to add a bibliography page and not to COPY the papers available.

Make sure you write a critical Analysis of one aspect of one aspect in common in the stories and do not retell the stories.

Make sure your essay focuses on literary conventions;(Example)

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