3 business letters | Business & Finance homework help

1) Scenario for LETTER 1 of 3 written and printed in formal business letter format for the letters workshop

As customer service manager for Lean Cuisine Frozen Foods, respond to a letter from Joe Cool, a student at Cal Poly Pomona. Joe wrote expressing his disappointing experience with a Vegetarian Lasagne. Although Joe did not ask for a refund, his letter was to inform your company about the poor quality of the meal. Write a letter to Joe to help restore his confidence in Lean Cuisine. Encourage him to try another of the many vegetarian options.

2)Scenario for LETTER 2 of 3 written and printed in formal business letter format for the letters workshop

You are the owner of Clean Rite Carpet Cleaners, and company that cleans carpets using a special chemical process. You do not guarantee success, but you have a good reputation for getting out stains. Sam Jones is placing his house for sale and preparing for an open house. One of the carpets has a red stain that came from the painted wooden chair leg. When you left after cleaning the carpet, the stain appeared to be gone. However, you received word that the stain reappeared and Mr. Jones is requesting one-half the cost of a new carpet. Their open house is only a week from now, and the stain could discourage buyers. Write a letter refusing the request using the format discussed in Chapter 8 and in class.  

3)Scenario for Letter 3 of 3 for in class AND for the workshop. One scenario for both.

You recently moved to Scottsdale, AZ to accept a job with Multimedia Extreme. Until you moved to Scottsdale, you had no idea how brutal the sun could be. One of your colleagues suggested you get your car windows tinted to keep the sun’s hot rays out, reduce UV rays, reflect the sun, and cut the glare. 4 months ago, you had TintU tint your car windows. You were given a 60-day guarantee on the work, but already the tinted film on the windows has turned purple and bubbled. Write Joe Cool, the manager and ask for an adjustment because the job is not of the quality it should have been. 

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